The holidays are a busy time, filled with running errands, shopping, cooking, and spending time with family. They are also a wonderful time to spend some quality time with your child by completing this easy craft project with them! Our Turkey art is great for when all that food is in the oven cooking and will provide your child with many language learning opportunities!
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This Thanksgiving, your child will have a BALL with this fun art activity! Take a break from the kitchen heat and ROLL off a little steam with this turkey marble art! Your child will be learning Thanksgiving vocabulary that will help them for the actual Thanksgiving experience as well as with activities and work at school. This would also be a fun activity for a play date.
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Is change hard for your child? Do they become upset when things within their daily routines change? Or do they begin to question you, “When are we going…..”, “Why are we……”, etc? With summer approaching we wanted to take this opportunity to discuss an amazing transactional support that you may find helpful this summer, Countdown Calendars. Countdown Calendars can help you and your child alleviate some of the stress that you may encounter throughout the year. The idea of a Countdown Calendar is to countdown to an event. This can be an event that your child is excited about, an event that your child is nervous about, an event that you want your child to experience, and more.
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Halloween is approaching fast and one of the best parts about the holiday is decorating for it! Spooky cobwebs, cackling witches and bright-eyed jack-o-lanterns really help to set the mood during this eerie, yet fun holiday season! Getting to the store or pumpkin patch doesn’t always fit into our day to day schedules; this holiday set the mood at your house with our pumpkin craft! These paper bag pumpkins are super cute, easy to make, and you don’t have to worry about them going rotten!
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At KidSpeak, LLC we offer a variety of different social groups so that all our children can have a good social group focusing on each of their individual social goals. We spend a lot of time first pairing all the children in the most appropriate group and with their best peer matches. When creating social groups you want to focus on pairing children on a few things: 1) what skills do they have in common, 2) what skills can they help teach the other children, 3) what skills can they learn from their peers, 4) do their personalities match, and 5) and much more.
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