Going to the mall can be a great place to take your kids on a long summer day when they may otherwise be jumping off the walls in the house. The mall is filled with so many opportunities to teach your child life skills, safety, play skills and social skills but let’s face it, it can be overwhelming. I’m not sure about you but my head typically spins at the mall on a busy Saturday when I’m attempting to battle the noise, the lights and THE PEOPLE. By the time I leave, I can guarantee that I have aches in my feet and back paired with a big ole headache. Then I usually need time at home to collapse on the couch and recover. Can you imagine what a child with autism must feel like?
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We all use one. Yours may be on your iPhone, computer, tablet, or you may even use old-fashioned pen and paper…..it’s your schedule, your lists, your to-dos and more. What are you doing today? What things do you have to pick up from the store? What did you not get done yesterday? We all do it differently, but we all somehow have a schedule of our day. It is because of this form of organization that we know what will happen and we know what to expect. Now imagine going through one day or even one hour without this. I personally would be lost. This is how your child may feel. Using a visual schedule everyday all day long allows your child to plan, organize, and predict what will happen next. By allowing them to see what is coming next it will decrease their anxiety and; therefore, decrease transition difficulties.
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