summer activity

Beat The Heat: The Mall

Beat The Heat: The Mall

Going to the mall can be a great place to take your kids on a long summer day when they may otherwise be jumping off the walls in the house.  The mall is filled with so many opportunities to teach your child life skills, safety, play skills and social skills but let’s face it, it can be overwhelming.  I’m not sure about you but my head typically spins at the mall on a busy Saturday when I’m attempting to battle the noise, the lights and THE PEOPLE.  By the time I leave, I can guarantee that I have aches in my feet and back paired with a big ole headache.  Then I usually need time at home to collapse on the couch and recover.  Can you imagine what a child with autism must feel like?

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Beat The Heat: Watermelon Tambourine

Beat The Heat: Watermelon Tambourine

Today we want to share our 2nd installment of our 10 Fun Ways to Beat The Heat -– Speech and Language Activities” is making watermelon tambourines!!

If you missed our last one please check out our Sun Catchers Blog at


Within this activity you will be addressing so many fun skills and the kids won’t even know that they are “working”!  Fine motor skills and finger and hand strengthening can be addressed with cutting, gluing, hole punching, tearing paper, opening and closing baggies, opening and closing glue, stapling and more!  Academic skills such as simple math and sequencing can easily be implemented.  Don’t forget all the wonderful language that is naturally incorporated into art and art is also a fantastic way to focus on social skills with an adult, with a sibling or with a friend on a play date!  Sharing, taking turns, watching and observing others, commenting and engaging in conversations are just a few fun social skills that can be implemented into art projects.

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Beat the Heat: Sun Catchers

Beat the Heat: Sun Catchers

It’s official…….Summer is here and it is HOT.  For the next 8 weeks we want to share with you 4 fun ways to beat the heat while focusing on your speech and language skills!!  Each of these activities are focused on staying cool, having fun, working on speech and language, working on social skills and more!   In addition, all of these activities are great for therapy, play dates, home and more!

Today’s first “Beat the Heat – Speech and Language Activities” is making sun catchers!!

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